Friday, December 23, 2011

The Morning Bell for Friday December 23, 2011

Today's honorary bell ringer: Every NHL player currently not on the Montreal Canadiens. They all did something of value last night in one way or another.

It's way too early in the morning to discuss what happened. So let's pretend, at least for a few hours, that nothing took place. There was no game in Winnipeg. Nobody got embarrassed. Ah fuck it. It was a nightmare from beginning to end. The Habs had a more difficult first period than most pre-teen girls. By the 3rd period, they were already on the bus.

Honestly, what's the point of recapping the rest of the action. We lost ground in the playoff race. Although calling it a race seems ridiculous. If it is a race, it's between a quadriplegic jackass and a bunch of horses. I actually feel terrible for Cunneyworth. To start what is supposed to be the best job of your life in this shitstorm, er, tempête de merde, is tragic.

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